On the 06.07.2020. The High Judicial Council, on the occasion of declaring a state of emergency in some cities of the Republic of Serbia, due to the danger of spreading Coronavirus (COVID – 19), makes a conclusion on the organization of work of courts based on local self-government where the state of emergency was declared.
This conclusion implies that the president of the court whose seat is on the territory of the local self-government where the state of emergency was declared, due to the danger of spreading the epidemic of infectious disease COVID – 19, organizes the work of the court in accordance with the decision on special measures to protect the population from infectious disease COVID – 19. It is also necessary for the president of the court, in addition to the decision on determining special measures to protect the population from infectious diseases, to use the Instructions for the work of courts as part of the application of measures to prevent the spread of SARS-COV-2 virus from 04.05.2020. year of the City Institute of Public Health from Belgrade.
The manner of organizing the work of the courts from the conclusion lasts until the decision on the abolition of the emergency situation is made.
The president of the court is obliged to inform the High Judicial Council about the decision and the manner of organizing the work of the court.
The Conclusion of the High Judicial Council of Courts number: 021-00-76 / 2020-01 from 30.06.2020. is repealed.
For all additional questions about the course of litigation and non-litigation proceedings during the state of emergency, follow our announcements or contact Miloš Milošević, Ivan Ljubisavljević or your regular contact in the law office Živković Samardžić.
Visoki savet sudstva doneo je Zaključak o organizaciji rada sudova čije je sedište na teritoriji lokalne samouprave na kojem je proglašena vanredna situacija
Dana 06.07.2020. godine Visoki savet sudstva, povodom proglašenja vanredne situacije u pojedinim gradovima Republike Srbije, zbog postojanja opasnosti od širenja korona virusa (COVID-19) donosi Zaključak o organizaciji rada sudova čije je sedište na teritoriji lokalne samouprave na kojem je proglašena vanredna situacija.
Ovaj Zaključak podrazumeva da predsednik suda čije je sedište na teritoriji lokalne samouprave na kojoj je proglašena vanredna situacija, zbog opasnosti širenja epidemije zarazne bolesti COVID-19, organizuje rad suda u skladu sa odlukom o određivanju posebnih mera zaštite stanovništva od zarazne bolesti COVID-19. Takođe potrebno je da predsednik suda, pored okluke o određivanju posebnih mera zaštite stanovništva od zarazne bolesti koristi I Instrukcije za rad sudova u sklopu primene mera prevencije širenja virusa SARS-COV-2 od 04.05.2020. godine Gradskog zavoda za javno zdravlje iz Beograda.
Način organizovanja rada sudova iz Zaključka traje do donošenja odluke o ukidanju vanredne situacije.
Predsednik suda je dužan da obavesti Visoki savet sudstva o odluci I načinu organizovanja rada suda.
Stavlja se van snage Zaključak Visokog saveta sudstva sudova broj: 021-00-76/2020-01 od 30.06.2020. godine, a sva dodatna pitanja toka parničnih i vanparničnih postupaka za vreme trajanja vanrednog stanja pratite naše objave ili kontaktirajte Miloša Miloševića, Ivana Ljubisavljevića ili vaš redovan kontakt u advokatskoj kancelariji Živković Samardžić.