National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted four laws in the field of Mining and Energy

by ZS Law

On April 20, 2021, National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted four laws in the field of mining and energy, including two new laws – the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and the Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy, as well as amendments to two laws – the Law on Energy and the Law on mining and geological research.

Amendments to the Law on Energy create a legal basis for the adoption of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan. The Energy Law aims to improve transparency and protection of competition and consumers and non-discriminatory behavior in the market. With the adoption of this law, the buyers of thermal energy will also have the right to the status of energy endangered customers and reduction of bills if they meet the prescribed criteria, as the buyers of electricity and gas already have. Likewise, electronic business (e-energy) is being introduced, which will enable simpler procedures and faster issuance of permits and approvals.

The Law on Mining and Geological Research, with its amendments, should create conditions for more efficient and sustainable management of mineral and other geological resources in Serbia. The amendments to the law expand the competencies of the Geological Survey of Serbia and establish the Chamber of Mining and Geological Engineers of Serbia. The new regulation also creates a legal basis for the introduction of electronic business in the field of mining and geology (e-mining), which will contribute to a more transparent and efficient procedure, and the approval procedure is simplified and shortened from the current 150 to an average of 15 to 20 days.

The new two laws have the following novelties:

The Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources:

• Environmental protection, the fight against climate change, reduction of costs for citizens, energy transition, as well as simplification and acceleration of procedures should be provided.

• Market premiums are introduced instead of the current feed-in tariffs, which are retained only for small plants and demonstration projects.

• A new system of incentives, producers will expose the impact of the market and competition, reducing costs for citizens and the economy.

• A stable and predictable legal framework for investors is provided, which includes a simpler and faster administrative procedure for the introduction of e-energy.

• An important novelty brings greater involvement of citizens in the energy transition by introducing the institute of customers-producers, which include customers of electricity, by installing solar panels on the roofs of buildings, producing electricity for their needs, and time reduction and their bill for electricity consumed.

• A ban on the construction of hydropower plants of any type and power in protected areas.

The Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy:

• This law implies the introduction of regulations for eco-design, concerning the labeling of household appliances that can be found on the market, as well as regulations for highly efficient cogeneration.

• It is planned to establish an administration for financing and encouraging energy efficiency within the Ministry of Mining and Energy, which should make it easier for citizens to obtain subsidies for the replacement of windows, doors, insulation of facades and heating systems. The subsidies of the administration for financing and encouraging energy efficiency will amount to 25 percent, as much as the local self-government units will finance, and the participation of citizens in the amount of 50 percent is planned. Incentives will be allocated through public calls to citizens, and measures for the installation of efficient biomass boilers and gas boilers will be financed.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Živković Samardžić at, or any of regular contacts at Živković Samardžić.

Narodna skupština Republike Srbije usvojila je četiri zakona iz oblasti rudarstva i energetike

Narodna skupština Republike Srbije usvojila je 20. aprila 2021. godine četiri zakona iz oblasti rudarstva i energetike, uključujući dva nova zakona – Zakon o korišćenju obnovljivih izvora energije i  Zakon o energetskoj efikasnosti i racionalnoj upotrebi energije, kao i izmene i dopene dva zakona – Zakona o energetici i Zakona o rudarstvu i geološkim istraživanjima.

Izmenama i dopunama Zakona o energetici stvara se pravni osnov za donošenje Integrisanog nacionalnog energetskog i klimatskog plana. Zakon o energetici ima za cilj da unapredi transparentnost i zaštitu konkurencije i potrošača i nediskriminatorno ponašanje na tržištu. Usvajanjem ovog zakona, i kupci toplotne energije imaće pravo na status energetski ugroženog kupca i umanjenje računa ukoliko ispune propisane kriterijume, kao što već imaju kupci električne energije i gasa. Takođe, uvodi se elektronsko poslovanje (e-energetika), što će omogućiti jednostavnije procedure i brže izdavanje dozvola i saglasnosti.

Zakon o rudarstvu i geološkim istraživanjima svojim izmena i dopunama trebao bi da stvori uslove za efikasnije i održivo upravljanje mineralnim i drugim geološkim resursima Srbije. Izmenama zakona proširuju se nadležnosti Geološkog zavoda Srbije i  osnivana se Komora rudarskih i geoloških inženjera Srbije. Novi propis stvara i zakonsku osnovu za uvođenje elektronskog poslovanja u oblasti rudarstva i geologije (e-rudarstvo), što će doprineti transparentnijem i efikasnijem postupanju, a procedura izdavanja odobrenja pojednostavljuje se i skraćuje sa sadašnjih 150 u proseku na 15 do 20 dana.

Nova dva zakona donose sledeće novine:

Zakonom o korišćenju obnovljivih izvora energije:

·         trebalo  bi da se obezbedi  zaštitа životne sredine, borba protiv klimatskih promena, smanjenje troškova za građane, energetska tranzicija, kao i pojednostavljenje i ubrzanje procedura. 

·         Uvode se tržišne premije umesto dosadašnjih fid-in tarifa, koje se zadržavaju samo za mala postrojenja i demonstracione projekte. 

·         Novi sistem podsticaja, proizvođače će izložiti uticaju tržišta i konkurencije, smanjujući troškove za građane i privredu. 

·         Obezbeđuje se stabilan i predvidljiv zakonski okvir za investitore, koji podrazumeva i jednostavnije i brže administrativne procedure uvođenjem e-energetike. 

·         Važna novina donosi veće uključivanje građana u energetsku tranziciju uvođenjem instituta kupca-proizvođača, koji podrazumeva da kupci električne energije, postavljanjem solarnih panela na krovovima objekata, proizvode električnu energiju za svoje potrebe, a da time umanje i svoj račun za utrošenu električnu energiju.

·         Uvodi se i zabrana izgradnje hidroelektrana bilo kog tipa i snage u zaštićenim područjima.

Zakon o energetskoj efikasnosti i racionalnoj upotrebi energije:

·         Ovim zakonom  podrazumeva se uvođenje regulative za eko-dizajn, koja se tiču označavanja uređaja za domaćinstvo koji mogu da se nađu na tržištu, kao i regulative za visokoefikasnu kogeneraciju.

·         Predviđeno je osnivanje uprave za finansiranje i podsticanje enegetske efikasnosti u sastavu Ministarstva rudarstva i energetike, koja bi trebalo građanima da olakša dobijanje subvencija za zamenu prozora, vrata, izolacije fasada i grejnih sistema. Subvencije uprave za finansiranje i podsticanje energetske efikasnosti  iznosiće 25 odsto, koliko će finansirati i jedinice lokalne samouprave, a predviđeno je učešće građana u iznosu od 50 odsto. Sredstva podsticaja biće opredeljivana kroz javne pozive građanima, a biće finansirane i mere ugradnje efikasnih kotlova na biomasu i kotlova na gas.

Ukoliko imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili su Vam potrebne dodatne informacije možete se obratiti advokatskoj kancelariji Živković Samardžić na imejl adresu ili bilo kom Vašem redovnom kontaktu u kancelariji.