by ZS Law

According to Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a set of economic measures worth 5.1 billion euros to help the economy during the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic, in order to preserve the level of employment and provide assistance to those companies that have been the most affected by this crisis, namely micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

The measures themselves are divided into 4 parts: tax policy measures, assistance to employees, preservation of liquidity and assistance to every adult citizen.

According to the new tax policy measures, the deadline for payment of income and contribution taxes for the private sector will be postponed for the duration of the state of emergency, for a period of at least 3 months, with the possibility of subsequent repayment of incurred liabilities in 24 equal installments beginning at the earliest January 2021. Also, the payment of income tax advance payments in the second quarter is delayed and donors are exempt from VAT. The total value of these measures is around 1.3 billion euros.

Assistance to flat-rate entrepreneurs who pay real income taxes, as well as to employees in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the private sector, is reflected in the payment of cash assistance in the amount of 3 minimum wages over the next 3 months. Large private sector companies will be paid 50 percent of the net minimum wage, for employees who were given the decision on cessation of work.

As for the liquidity preservation measures, for which  2.2 billion euros shall be earmarked, they include the adoption of programs for the provision of cheap loans for maintaining liquidity and working capital for companies in the segment of entrepreneurs, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, agricultural holdings and cooperatives registered in the relevant registry through the Development Fund of the Republic of Serbia and Guarantee Scheme for supporting the economy in the conditions of the Covid-19 crisis for loans for maintaining liquidity and working capital for companies in the segment of entrepreneurs, micro, small and medium enterprises,  and agricultural holdings through commercial banks operating in Serbia.

It is important to note that this program will not apply to companies that have reduced their employee numbers by more than 10% since the start of the state of emergency.

Finally, in the form of direct financial assistance, all adult citizens of the Republic of Serbia shall receive an amount of 100 euros in RSD equivalent.

The legal framework for the implementation of all aforementioned measures will be adopted within the next 10 days.

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Kako je saopštio srpski ministar finansija Siniša Mali, Vlada Republike Srbije usvojila je set ekonomskih mera u vrednosti od 5,1 milijardi evra namenjenih kao pomoć privredi tokom trajanja krize izvazvane epidemijom koronavirusa, sa ciljem da se očuva nivo zaposlenosti i pruži pomoć onim preduzećima koja najviše pogođena ovom krizom, a to su mikro, mala i srednja preduzeća.

Same mere podeljene su na 4 dela: mere poreske politike, pomoć zaposlenima, očuvanje likvidnosti i pomoć svakom punoletnom građaninu.

Prema novim merama poreske politike, rok za plaćanje poreza na zarade i poreza na doprinose za privatni sektor biće odložen za vreme trajnja vanrednog stanja, a za period od najmanje 3 meseca, uz mogućnost kasnije otplate nastalih obaveza u 24 jednake rate sa početkom otplate najranije od januara 2021. godine. Takođe, odlaže se i plaćanje akontacija poreza na dobit u drugom kvartalu, a davaoci donacija su oslobođeni od plaćanja PDV-a. Ukupna vrednosti ovih mera iznosi oko 1,3 milijarde evra.

Pomoć preduzetnicima koji se paušalno oporezuju i koji plaćaju porez na stvarni prihod, kao i zaposlenima u mikro, malim i srednjim preduzećima u privatnom sektoru ogleda se u uplati novčane pomoći u iznosu od 3 minimalne zarade u naredna 3 meseca. Velikim preduzećima u privatnom sektoru biće uplaćeno 50 odsto neto minimalne zarade, a za zaposlene kojima je rešenjem utvrđen prestanak rada.

Što se tiče mera za očuvanje likvidnosti, a za koje je će biti izdvojeno 2,2 milijarde evra, one podrazumevaju  donošenje programa za dodelu jeftinih kredita za održavanje likvidnosti i obrtnih sredstava za kompanije iz segmenta preduzetnika, mikro, malih i srednjih privrednih subjekata, poljoprivrednih gazdinstava i zadruga koji su registrovani u relevantnom registru preko Fonda za razvoj Republike Srbije i garantne šeme za podršku privredi u uslovima Kovid-19 krize za kredite za održavanje likvidnosti i obrtnih sredstava za kompanije iz segmenta preduzetnika, mikro, malih i srednjih privrednih subjekata, kao i poljoprivrednih gazdinstava preko komercijalnih banaka koje posluju u Srbiji.

Važno je napomenuti da se ovaj program neće primenjivati na preduzeća koja su od početka vanrednog stanja smanjila svoj broj zaposlenih za više od 10%.

Najzad, u vidu direktne finansijske pomoći, svim punoletnim građanima Republike Srbije na račun će biti uplaćen iznos od 100 evra u dinarskoj protivvrednosti.

Pravni okvir za sporovođenje svih pomenutih mera biće donet u narednih 10 dana.

Za sve dalje objave pratite naš blog, a ukoliko imate dodatna pitanja, budite slobodni da nas kontaktirate.

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